
Naples | Neapolitan Decorative Arts and Heritage

Naples’ Decorative Arts: Influences of France, Grand Tour, and Ancient Ruins

The decorative arts of Naples, particularly during the 18th and 19th centuries, were profoundly influenced by the city’s connections to France and the cultural phenomenon of the Grand Tour, as well as by the historical sites of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Vesuvius.

During this period, Naples was a hub of antiquarian interest and intellectual debate about how to approach and appreciate the past. This fervor was partly driven by the rediscovery of the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, which had been buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 CE. These sites provided a wealth of artifacts and artistic inspiration that influenced Neapolitan decorative arts, particularly in the realm of frescoes and mosaics. The National Archaeological Museum of Naples, for example, houses an extensive collection of Roman mosaics and frescoes from these sites, showcasing the high level of artistic skill in ancient Roman craftsmanship. These works often depict scenes from daily life, mythological events, and have intricate designs and vibrant colors.

The influence of France on Naples was also significant. The cultural exchanges between Naples and France were facilitated by the Grand Tour, a journey undertaken by wealthy European aristocrats and intellectuals, which often included a visit to Naples and the nearby archaeological sites. This exposure to classical antiquity and the arts of Naples inspired a taste for Neoclassical style in Europe. Publications and travelogues by intellectuals like Goethe and Winckelmann helped spread information about these archaeological discoveries, further influencing European decorative arts.

Moreover, the works encountered in Pompeii and Herculaneum inspired imitation in European arts and décor. For instance, the German architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel, who visited Pompeii, incorporated motifs from Roman frescoes in his designs, such as the so-called Pompeian dancers, which became a frequently reproduced subject from wall painting at the time.

In summary, the decorative arts of Naples during this period were a rich blend of local tradition and external influences, deeply enriched by the city’s historical and cultural connections to the ancient world and the broader European artistic milieu.


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